Kevin Godoy - Game Developer

Kevin Godoy. Computer Scientist (2017, Cum laude honors). Game Developer & Computer Graphics. Microsoft Image Hello Cloud Challenge February 2017 winner. Currently Using Babylon JS for Web 3D Projects. Used to Develop Videogames for  Xbox One Under the Xbox live Creators Program using Unity3D and for PC Utilizing Unreal Engine.

Game Development & More

You can always check this Website to see whats the latest  thing I am working on.

I was mostly Active on twitter, for now I am cooling down, Ill be back soon, so dont worry ! You can still contact me by sending me an email, at the bottom of the page.

Apex Particle Store Listing


Check the list of Games And Apps  I am working on ( And a couple of older projects too), you can select each individual item and see more details  about it how it came to be.